Annual Harbor Cruise and Scholarship Award Ceremony
Hosted by the Port of Long Beach
Propeller Club of Los Angeles-Long Beach,
& its Coalition Members
Thursday, August 1, 2024
Boarding: 5:15 PM
Cruise: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Park at the Aquarium of the Pacific parking structure:
99 Aquarium Way Long Beach, CA 90802
Parking is $8
The boat (Christopher) will depart at Dock #2


Register by June 30 to receive special pricing!
Members: $50
Future Members: $65
After June 30:
Members: $60 / Future Members: $75
Sponsorships are available starting at $500!
Raffle tickets are available for purchase at checkout.
Please also consider making a donation to the Scholarship Fund.
Please submit your sponsorship by June 30 to receive all of the included benefits and to ensure your logo will be added to the event signage.

Join the Propeller Club of Los Angeles-Long Beach and joint industry coalition members on a harbor cruise mixer. Please submit your RSVP as soon as possible as seating will be limited. Sponsorships are available (see below for available options). Please submit your sponsorship no later than June 30, 2024 in order to receive the full benefits.
Bronze Sponsor – $500.00
4 tickets for the cruise
Appropriate signage at the event
Silver Sponsor – $700.00
6 tickets for the cruise
Appropriate signage on website, email marketing, and at the event
Gold Sponsor – $1,000.00
8 tickets for the cruise
Appropriate signage on website, email marketing, and at the event
Introduction at event w/ opportunity to speak
The Propeller Club of Los Angeles-Long Beach will be awarding scholarships ranging from $250 to $1,000 to graduating high school seniors. In 2019, the Board of Governors established two additional scholarships in memory of David Arian and Adam Birkenbach awarding $1,000 each. The recipients of these awards will be announced during the Harbor Cruise.

Cancellations must be received in writing 7 days prior to the event to receive a refund or to avoid being billed. Your payment for this event is not deductible as a contribution or gift under Federal Income Tax Laws, but is most likely deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense.