PierPASS Update
with John Cushing, President & CEO
Wednesday, June 28, 2023 | 7:45 AM - 9:00 AM (PDT)
In Person at KYL, 400 Oceangate, 14th Floor
Long Beach, CA 90802
Member: $30 / Non-Member: $45

Come hear Mr. Cushing discuss the following:
- History of the OffPeak program
- Changes to the OffPeak program
- Benefits of the OffPeak program
- What’s next for the West Coast MTOA Agreement, PierPASS, and the OffPeak program

Mr. Cushing joined PierPASS in September 2014, having more than 32 years of prior experience in the maritime industry. Previously, from 2009, he was the General Director of SSIT at Cai Mep in the south of Vietnam, where he led development of its greenfield container terminal project.
In 1999, Mr. Cushing founded eModal, a widely used online web service to coordinate activities between marine terminals, trucking companies, and others in the supply chain. By 2009, he grew eModal into the nation’s largest port community system, used at 41 marine terminals in 14 ports on both U.S. coasts.
Mr. Cushing’s career began as an Assistant Line Manager and subsequently promoted to Commercial Manager with Barber Steamship Lines in Los Angeles before taking the position of Marketing Manager at the Port of Los Angeles.
Mr. Cushing has a Bachelor of Science degree in Transportation from Arizona State University.
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