The Facts About Port Trucking
with Matt Schrap, CEO, Harbor Trucking Association
Thursday, February 24, 2022
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM • Zoom Networking Session
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM • Keynote
The first fifteen minutes of this webinar will be spent in networking session breakout rooms.

Member: $25 / Non-Member: $35
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Matt Schrap currently holds the position of Chief Executive Officer for the Harbor Trucking Association. He formally began his journey with the HTA on June 11 of 2021 and since then has been rapidly familiarizing himself with the myriad of issues impacting harbor drayage on the West Coast.
Previously, Matt was the Vice President of Government Programs for the Velocity Vehicle Group where he worked closely with governmental organizations and assisted equipment owners with in-use regulatory compliance standards and public assistance opportunities available for heavy duty equipment turnover.
Before his time at VVG, Matt held the position the as Director of Environmental Affairs for the California Trucking Association where he worked on Air Quality Regulatory Programs and Intermodal Policy. Matt joined CTA after completing a Fellowship with the Center for California Studies, State Senate Fellows Program.
He is also currently Co-Chair of the CARB/SCAQMD Cmte. With the Los Angeles County Business Federation and an is an instructor for the Center for International Trade and Transportation Global Logistics Professional Designation. Matt holds an MA in Public Policy Administration from CSULB and a BA in Government from Sacramento State.
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