Annual General Meeting and
Virtual Holiday Get Together
Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 12:00 PM
Featuring the Inspirational Words of Wisdom by Noel Hacegaba
Introduction 5 Minutes David Arsenault
Networking Breakout Groups 15 Minutes Various Hosts
Propeller Club LA/LB Update 10 Minutes David Arsenault
Annual Business Meeting 10 Minutes Joe Walsh
Keynote Presentation Introduction 5 Minutes Eric Caris,
Port of Los Angeles
Inspirational Message 20 Minutes Noel Hacegaba
(Sweater, Backdrop, Most Decorative Mask) 10 Minutes Jenn Baker
Raffle Prizes / Thank You for Donations 10 Minutes Dave Thornburg / Jenn Baker
Annual Business Meeting Wrap-Up 5 Minutes David Arsenault
Total: 90 Minutes

Platinum Members

Gold Member

Silver Members

Propeller Club LA/LB is proud to support Children Today
All gift card donations will benefit Children Today, which provides trauma-informed child development and family support services to some of the most vulnerable members of our community; children and families experiencing homelessness or maltreatment. Since 1997, they have helped hundreds of families and their young children achieve stability and success.

Please note: a link to register for this webinar will be included in your confirmation email
Cancellations must be received in writing 7 days prior to the event to receive a refund or to avoid being billed. Your payment for this event is not deductible as a contribution or gift under Federal Income Tax Laws, but is most likely deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense.