PMSA's John McLaurin
Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 1:30 PM
President of the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA). With offices in San Francisco, Long Beach and Seattle, PMSA is a west coast maritime trade association, representing ocean carriers and marine terminal operators on a variety of local, state and federal issues.
PMSA president John McLaurin is a recognized authority on West Coast port, trade and transportation issues.
John was selected to receive the prestigious 2013 Connie Award by the Container & Intermodal Institute. Connie recipients are recognized for their significant influence on containerization in world trade and transportation.
Earlier, John was employed by American President Lines, the American Petroleum Institute, and the Marine Spill Response Corporation. He is a University of California Davis graduate and holds a law degree from Southwestern University.
John is a frequent contributor to trade publications and, on a personal side, is active in special education for children and adults with autism.

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