Join the Propeller Club LA/LB for a discussion with
USCG Lt. Beal, Commanding Officer of the CGC Terrell Horne!
Wednesday, January 15, 2020, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
DoubleTree Hotel, 2800 Via Cabrillo Marina, San Pedro, CA 90731

Lieutenant John W. Beal, Commanding Officer, TERRELL HORNE (WPC 1131)
Lieutenant John Beal graduated from the United States Coast Guard Academy in 2011 with a Bachelor of Science degree in government – international relations. During his time at the Academy, he also was active in the wrestling program, played rugby and enjoyed pick-up hockey.
His first sea tour was aboard USCGC MOHAWK (WMEC 913), a 270-foot Famous-class cutter homeported in Key West, Florida, where he served as a deck watch officer, electronics material officer, and assistant navigator while patrolling the Florida Straits, Caribbean Sea, Central, and South America in the execution of counter-narcotics and alien migrant interdiction operations.
LT Beal’s second afloat tour was as executive officer of three 110-foot Island-class patrol boats homeported at Sector Field Office Fort Macon in Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, USCGC BLOCK ISLAND (WPB 1344), USCGC KODIAK ISLAND (WPB 1341), and USCGC CUSHING (WPB 1321). The crew was challenged with the short-notice decommissioning of BLOCK ISLAND, re-homeporting KODIAK ISLAND to North Carolina before its decommissioning and receiving CUSHING from its previous homeport of San Juan, Puerto Rico. The crew earned recognition within the Fifth Coast Guard District as one of the highest-performing units each fiscal year in terms of boarding results and operating hours.
LT Beal served as commanding officer aboard USCGC AQUIDNECK (WPB 1309), one of six 110-foot patrol boats forward deployed to the Arabian Gulf at Patrol Forces Southwest Asia working in support of US Naval Forces Central Command/US FIFTH Fleet in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. Before that, he served as a training liaison officer for Afloat Training Group San Diego, an assignment which included travel to Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, the Pacific Northwest, and the East Coast conducting training and assessments on major cutters. He is a permanent Cutterman with over seven years sea time.
LT Beal assumed command of USCGC TERRELL HORNE (WPC 1131) pre-commissioning detachment in June 2018. The crew signed for the cutter’s acceptance from Bollinger Shipyards during a ceremony held at Sector Key West, Florida, on Oct. 25, 2018. During ready for sea trials on Nov. 20, 2018, the crew responded to a search and rescue case for persons in the water and saved two men who spent three days adrift at sea.
His awards include a Meritorious Service Medal, Coast Guard Commendation Medal, Coast Guard Achievement Medal, Commandant’s Letter of Commendation, and both the Global War on Terror Service and Expeditionary Medals.
He is originally from Hingham, Massachusetts, and also claims Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard as home.

Early Bird Member Price: $55
Early Bird Non-Member Price: $60
Regular Member Price: $60
Regular Non-Member Price: $65

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Gold Sponsor - $1,200
Table of ten with reserved sign and two chairs at the head table
Logo on event page on website
Mention at podium and opportunity to give two minute speech about company
Flyers to be placed at each seat (company must provide the flyers)
Silver Sponsor - $700
Five reserved spots at a table plus one seat at head table
Logo on event page on website
Mention at podium
30 raffle tickets
Table Sponsor - $650
Table of ten with reserved sign
Mention at podium
Parking Sponsor - $250
Two reserved spots at a table
Mention at the podium
10 raffle tickets

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